We The People

Main – this site is a work in progress

What you can do to make change, a difference to make it fair for all

For those who hurt us and our democracy –

  1. A) Find out what they have voted for – what are they pushing?
  2. B) Tell them through emails and phone calls, and in person – you will not be voting from them and their agenda because they do not represent you but before you do – be open and smart enough to find the truth – even if you don’t like the truth – you need to do this.
  3. Use this link to see who voted for what: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes
  4. Your state should also have a site to shows how you elected officials voted –

Matthew 7:16-23 King James Version says (speaking of false prophets but the same applies to false politicians)

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

So learn the truth – their fruits – what do they bear? what do they produce? what do they push or fester?

  1. C) VOTE THEM OUT. – Tell them by your vote.  This is the most power of all – and it DOES NOT MATTER if they are democrat or republican – what are their fruits? is it really the right thing to do? is it fair? if not git rid of them.
  2. D) Look at what they DO not what they SAY – so if you don’t like someone’s personality ignore it- look at what they do. I don’t care who gets the credit – ask yourself is what they do, do their policies help you?, Look at results.
  3. E) Keep emotion out of it and look at just the truth and facts – sometimes the truth is not revealed unless you investigate it – there are many false truths out there to push some agenda that does not match what is good for you.
  4. F) Recommendation:
  5.     1) Anything a politician, pharmaceutical, or media company says – GET PROOF, if they cannot provide proof they are LYING!
  6.     2) The proof must be verifiable NOT rhetoric, or hearsay
  7.     3) There is proof by 500 environmental scientists that the change in planet atmosphere is normal. This list will be published here. Remember this planet is not only going around the sun, but the sun is also in a orbit around the galaxy and that is in orbit around the universe and so on and so forth ( there is no end) – so every space the Earth hits is new space it has never been in before.
  8. 4) Be aware of what is really going on https://citizenfreepress.com/. Sorry ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, MSNBC, SCRIPPS, PBS, SKYNEWS, will purposefully exclude the truth and bend the truth for anything politically motivated. To avoid this can also try NEWSMAX, OAN, AMERICA’S VOICE, and THE FIRST on Pluto TV for free https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/55b179af994403942f3061d6  – Always look for facts

Some good starting points for truth:

1. https://tuckercarlson.com/the-vladimir-putin-interview/

2. truth about climate change: https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/there-is-no-climate-emergency-say-500-experts-in-letter-to-the-united-nations/


1. ONLY CONGRESS can confirm and take action on Insurrection “But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.” STOP calling it that when no one has been convicted of such a crime. Anyone who calls it that is a trader to the United States because it is written in black and white – if you think differently then go to some other country – you don’t belong here. Or get congress to change the 14th Amendment – those are your ONLY choices.


Anyone who kills should be charged including the FBI, Secret Service, and even the President

Anyone who damages any property should be responsible for fixing it and pay for it-  not imprisoned.

Anyone who simply walks on to US property is not a criminal – the government is owned by the people NOT THE ELITE. Any US criticize who pays taxes should not be criminalized by the same government.

There is a proper way to do it, but that is a different protocol issue and is not criminal.

2. There are MANY United States Social media platforms – Banning TicTok is not a violation of free speech, just go to a US based social media platform to put your views. China does not believe in free speech they believe in destroying American and controlling the world. Banning TicTok is protecting the US and you. If you want a TicTok create one that is whole owned and controlled by US Laws. Get your investments out of China, they are communists, and are the enemy of the US – We need to pull all our investments out and have them produced here in the US or an allied nation only.  I believe they called it TicTok as the sound a clock makes , the countdown to the destruction of the US.


This site covers three main topics:

1. How to prevent the next U.S. Civil War

  • Term limits
  • Rules
  • Conflicts of Interest laws
  • Punishment Any politician that breaks the rules. The House, Senate, President, DOJ are the most important jobs to protect Americans. Self interest and conflicts of interest is treason. A violation of this new law will include death as part of the definition of treason.

2. Health Care and the great scam

  • Treason of US Government (Patenting Viruses)
  • Illegal Gain of function research (Biological weapons)
  • Predatory Healthcare – Profiteering off of pain and suffering

3. The Origin of Life

  • Who you are and where you came from

There subcategories under each.


As I wrote this work, I found it was important for you to understand some fundamental concepts.  This section endeavors to provide that detail so that when you read the meat of this document, you will understand the background and importance of this for all mankind, not only the United States of America.

I have been on this planet for 50 years. For the last 5 years re-occurring thoughts have come to me that I cannot seem to escape.  They concern all of us and they reveal what will happen and more than these they are concerned with what needs to happen in order to change the course of history and break the cycle that will save the lives of millions in the future.

I have delayed expressing those thoughts for years either because I see this world as it is and I cannot change it; a type of hopelessness might explain it or I feel no one would listen. However, I know deep inside the selfishness of those in power are slow to change and in most cases will never do the right thing when it comes between them and a revenue stream that they believe will benefit them. I project I have about 30 years left on this planet, and my life or death is not relevant to the course of the galaxy as it will continue regardless of my action or inaction. It will continue no matter what life exists on this small world among an infinite number of worlds. The choice to write or not to write has been overcome by an instant egging to write. So here I write down what I’ve been feeling for the last five years or more, regardless of the knowledge that we are very insignificant in an infinite realm.

At the end of the day the choice is yours. What you choose to do with this information is up to you.

Five years ago I had a realization. Some would call it an epiphany; some would call it a revelation. Whatever you decide to call it, the signs are there. History repeats itself and perhaps it is the greed of man or the realization that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely is real. It’s not just some idiom. There are men and woman out there who are strong enough not to be influenced by corruption, but they are far and few between. I also believe those people are not in the right strategic place for good of all for any number of reasons. I believe that even the most well intended person will enter a realm and despite all his or her efforts to resist becomes warm with the realm. Just like a cold glass of refreshing water becomes the same temperature of the room it sits in with no external source to keep it the same. So is true with politicians. Some enter with the intention of helping solve our countries problems. They walk out with heavy pants whose pockets are filled with gold at the people’s expense and whose ambitions now walk with special interest groups and goals that are fed by directions that do not represent the good of all but only those who benefit their desires.

I have never seen or spoken knowingly to any entity or group of entities known to you as “God.” I have talked and believed that something or someone or some “stream” was listening. Whatever it is, it manifests itself as feelings predicated by thoughts and a desire to express them. I cannot say this strong desire is a directive from some being or entity greater than myself. It is instilled in me the emotional response to institute what is right.  Deep down I know that these words will fall on deaf ears. Nevertheless, that same steam for the lack of a better term compels me to write this down and that the right ears will hear. Call it hope. I suppose it will not matter; only that the opportunity was given and a choice will have been made. It is sad to think that those who decide life and death are not each person who lives today but a government who cares very little for individuals and more for masses under the facade of political self importance. If you wish to learn more on where you actually came from then see the section titled “Origin of Life.”

 FIRST SECTION: The problem

With any solution, there must be a problem to solve. The problem must be accepted and recognized as a problem before a solution can be derived. A solution can come in many forms; however, if the fundamental cause of the problem is not clearly defined with all the major influences identified only a wrong solution can be obtained. A wrong solution is one which really does not solve the problem. It may be a akin to treating symptom and not the cause. Sometimes that seems to help, but in reality the problem still exists, it’s just masked as something else. Our country loses in the end with this type of logic. When I say our country I am talking about the people that this “solution” would have helped.

There is more to this – much more but my time is limited. will complete more as time allows.


When particulate matter (dust) drifts in the air it eventually lands on a surface attracted by positive and negative charges. Over time inches of dust falls on the surface. So is like our political engine that festers corruption and rules in layers upon layers of anti-altruistic filth that serves only the Politicians Creed.  We need good benevolent, altruistic people in our movement. The only way to do this is to remove the dust and all the dust mites (“the swamp”) that live there that suck and bleed dry the American people. This is probably why Washington DC (House, Senate, etc) is called the swamp; that and they don’t like outsiders disturbing their corrupt nature. Many are not corrupt, but many more are corrupt. This is why change is so hard to do with House and Senate – for example they don’t want to arrest Biden for fear that they too may be arrested for their same type or similar crimes. This is another reason why Civil War is eminent.

Rules that make up and qualifications for a politician must be non-self serving, must be held in esteem as servants of the people and compensated by only the people when it is deserved. Any self interests or conflicts of interest must be the highest law and whose punishment must be so outrageous, so severe that no politician dare break it. No amount of money can save them. No lawyer, no loophole.




We, the aristocrats of the United States shall keep ourselves in secret but yet be openly public so those that know keep us close as friends. We are the elite; we are composed of United States Senators, Congressmen, Governors, Speakers of the House, Presidents and many other political positions. We shall denounce the world and our people of the United States secretly because we make more money and we are better than them. We are elected by the fool citizens of the United States who still believe there is a democracy and we shall continue to lead them to believe there is so long as it serves our purpose of power and monetary gain. We shall control them where and when we can so long as it serves us. We will be corrupt without admitting corruption. We will take funds from whoever provides them even when ti is a clear conflict of interest and continue so long as no one is the wiser. We will feed the people tidbits of information and work that makes it seem like we are doing the job we are hired to do.  Anyone who jeopardizes our reign will be dealt with by sanctions, law changes to fit our needs, just ignore the law as it does not pertain to the elite,  or simply buying them out like CBS, NBC, FOX, ABC and many others. This way we will control the flow of information that suits our needs. We are the law and we are above the law and no one can touch us, so help us God. We declare that human rights are valid so long as it does not interfere with our power position, and monitory gain. As soon as it does your life means nothing and ours means everything. And for those that say hogwash, that cannot be true, the better for us.


When the words “We The People…”become obfuscated and isolated to certain groups, then those words fail us as a people. The original Constitution of the United States was founded on principles that no longer exist; as those who distort the true meaning have ignored the birthright of all US citizens for the sake of self-gain and greed.

Therefore, when the tyranny of a government becomes so great, history will repeat itself and that government must be superseded for the good of all the people, not those who hoard power to the extent that the People become the oppressed. Only then shall a new birth rise up a better nation to serve the people.

Change is inevitable and the cost great. For these reasons We “The People” must absolve the tyranny of our government, revoke our elected politicians who fail in their empty promises, fail in their duty to service “The People” and we must give birth a new order that protects all people from the acts of men such as these that set to cause a separation from the people. Make an empty promise grounds for immediate impeachment. They can avoid this by not making promises they cannot keep.

The Acts I

  • Article One – To Serve
  1. Rules of Elected Officials – What they must do and must not do.
  2. Penalties for Failure to Perform
  3. Held to the Highest Standard
  4. The greater number of people lead (or mislead) the greater the cost up to and including life and liberty.
  5. Penalties for Self Interests
  6. Rules for any office that services the people
  7. No free ride
  8. Taxes Shall Never Be a Pedestal for Greed
  9. None of the Above
  10. Rules when no candidate fits the bill – meets “The People’s” requirements

With the plight of human tyranny manifested as organized government, we the people must draw the line by which standards must be upheld. The truths that were supposed to be self evident have been obscured by rhetoric.
There are no writers in my back pocket and no political dollars handed down for some political agenda. What there is becomes black and white terms that manifest themselves in the cyclical pattern of human life and death. To stop the pattern we must change our thinking or millions will die and change becomes a human blanket of red instead of humility of thinking that brings us back to the basics that spawn our existence.
I know the answer to our problem. I’ve seen it on the walls of my mind for about ten years now or longer. Before I leave this Earth I have been chartered to share it with you. For what reason I can only image as it requires the most radical of thinking and belief that only the power of God can make reality. With that as the premise the words on this page and the pages that follow shall be the template for a brave new world. A world which, I believe will save us all and our children’s children and so on and so forth.
Mind you, I do not take these issues lightly and neither should you.

At a point in the future, the oppressed will rise up against the oppressors and scream I will take no more. You have taken and taken and taken, and give so little back. You tell me what you think I want to hear to vest your own interests under the guise and pretense of concern. The people shall tire of the lies and false promises that server only to gain position then to be forgotten; its premise to be written off as the dust on a once read novel now sitting on a bookshelf and whose wisdom can no longer be heard. Millions shall die and millions more wounded as two or three sides are taken to unthinkable heights. Ciaos begins. Years later a new government is drawn, new rules dictated, and new hope brought forth. Thus the cycle begins again until the next interval, like the tines of a ticketing cog in the belly of a large clock that seems to bring the past to the present again and again.
I know this. I know that if we do not change this pattern we are doomed to repeat history. Yes the circumstances are different but the ends are the same and the means are very similar. The signs are there. One need only to look. Hindsight is 20/20 but I hope that this text, these words are actionable enough to stop a horrible existence that awaits.
God has never appeared to me. He has never spoken that I could hear his words. Still my passion drives me to this text and these words. That I should write them down. I have no children, I planned it that way as I knew what was to come. I can’t say how, but I knew and did not want any of my family’s blood spilled. So here I am, telling you what something deep in me compels me to deliver. Today, here and now I shall do just that. Some of you will not like the way out, and those that do not in my mind’s eye are not really public servants but sycophants with hidden agendas.
If you embrace what this text proposes I think you will find that civil war and ideas that designed to help and really solve problems are coming from people we want in office and those people are of the heart that says I am here to serve, not only my God but also my people, whom I love. My life and my liberty are my stake as they guide my people to a promise life. Because I know the alternative will only lead to destruction and this is not the will of Him.

A New Birth – A new philosophy
In this section, I shall outlay what has been given to me as a gift. It is therefore passed on to you.
There shall be one body whose sole intent is to serve the people. Neither personal gain nor currency shall turn that body.
To instantiate this new organization of thought and conscience all who occupy the space of any public office shall not be afforded currency in its direct form.

The service which any public office is held shall be a sacred office and trust. A bond between the servant and those being served. It is the highest honor as it provides critical answers to and for so many.

The higher in office (the more that report and lead and are leaded) the greater the honor and the greater the responsibility leading the sward with highest expectations.

The service rendered and so long as it is executed, the servant’s needs and the needs of the children and spouse shall be absolved.

The people in return shall provide for the servant so that the servant may continue to care for the people and solve scaled problems as they occur.

The National Charter – 

A senator shall be compensated for service

A senator shall be afforded one home at a maximum of 6,000 squire feet of living space not including garages for vehicles

One mode of transportation shall be provided for each family member living under the roof of a senator’s home.

A diplomat shall be afforded two homes, one in the United States and one in the soil of the foreign land by which is served.

The land shall be no more than five acres.

Any politician shall not receive any compensation, any revenue stream, any asset whatsoever other than their allotted compensation afforded by the People, so long as they serve in their public office. It is clear that a conflict of interest exists in their servcie to the people when they are receiving monies from special interest groups and others who do not represent all the people, “We the people.”


Health Care

Legal fees

Exit plan

Food, Gas, Clothing

Insurances (home, life, auto)

So long as the public official is in good standing these things shall be provided.

Laws to Consider

No law has been given; however certain truths have been set forth, some based on facts, some based on faith. Some of them deemed reasonable and because no direct commandment beseeches me, I cannot in good faith say either way; however, I can provide these “beliefs” that have come to fruition regardless the source.

New system of Government
United States is an Aristocracy not a Democracy

So long as we have money in politics we will never have a true Democracy because the conflict of “the people” will always be trumped by monitory gain. Therefore we have more of a Aristocracy (ăr″ĭ-stŏk′rə-sē) where an elite group is above the law. An example is Nancy Pelosi who thinks she can do insider trading thinking she is above the law as well as others in congress. Yet Martha Stewart went to jail for the same offense.


Capitalism Exceptions:
  • Certain Lawyers
  • Certain Doctors
  • Certain Pharmaceuticals
  • Certain Hospital Stays or services
  • Certain Ambulance
  • All politicians
  • All congress, executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches

Criteria: When life and limb is in danger

War Reasons:

Government Corruption


Government mismanagement

Melting Pot or Not

The following Venn diagram illustrates the mutation of values as they shifts toward central average.

Issue is this favors the ethnic group in power, and ignores foundation principles because fundamental rules for law creation are not established and are too flexible. The net result is the USA shall not be unrecognizable in the future. As a people there shall / should never be rules that change based on who is in power.


NEXT SECTION: The Betrayal. 

Our country has betrayed us for the sake of profit and financial gain frosted with control over you and I. When we speak of conspiracy theories, we are talking about small fragments of information that our minds piece together to come to a conclusion that makes sense to us. We do this to support our views. Like connecting the dots on a piece of paper, we assume that the missing pieces of the puzzle must be that part which I believe to be true because it makes sense to me or it supports what I believe. This is exactly why we have so many religions: Our personal beliefs substantiated by fragments of evidence that makes sense to us all led from birth in most cases by inculcation (teaching by repeated admonishing). When something is not actually true, this admonishing is a form of “brainwashing.”

The problem with this type of thinking is 1) it is not supported by facts , 2) it tends to bring elements of emotion and belief, 3) it fails the test of scientific method, 4) it usually derails the source. The human mind in most cases does not like to admit it’s conclusions are wrong. It is hard to say I made a mistake because my hypothesis was flawed and I did not validate my information so I will continue to speak a lie. Our ego gets in the way of truth. This is what happened to Donald Trump and is a leading factor as to why he is still not the President.

The point is when we don’t have facts then anything can be made and manipulated to look like the truth, when in fact it is not. The news media does this all the time. NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, PBS, and others are more focused on their image, and their political views and agenda more than they are focused on the facts. Even when evidence is there. So a conspiracy theory is no longer a theory when there is proof to support it. When there is proof to support it, it becomes real and in many cases criminal and a betrayal.

So these facts I present should be investigated by you. Verify and learn are they a lie or the truth?


You must ask yourself why would any public health organization developed such an evil thing so far as to get a patent on a virus? then release it to the world, then profit from the pain and suffering?

Dr. David Martin research shows there is NO SARS COV2 Virus but there is a Bio weapon that was paid for by Fauci with US tax dollars. There is no COVID-19 but there is a influenza-like illness. The media is calling it COVID-19 but they are not correct.

In 2015, this quote was made by Peter Daszak at the National Academy of Sciences:“…until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.

Image below continues 2015 then back to 2019

If above timeline is true and the links below are correct, then the President of the United States is guilty of violations of USC 50.20.23 and USC 50.20.24. He is not the only president that violated the United States Code – many others have done it in the past. Nixon for example.

But no one has committed an act of treason against the American people and the world in this century as Fauci has done. The statement by Peter above is criminal and for this man to not be in prison is beyond me.  No government shall create any bio-weapon per the The Biological Weapons Convention. This Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), is a disarmament treaty that effectively bans biological and toxin weapons by prohibiting their development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling, etc.

Reference Links:

Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?


Biological Weapons Convention


Dr. David Martin: Who “They” Are, “The Names and Faces”






